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Install ALTERNATIVE CKAN Environment on K8S


The Alternative platform is a comprehensive cloud-based solution designed to facilitate data sharing, analysis, and collaboration in scientific research. This guide provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring the platform's core components.

Platform Architecture

The Alternative platform consists of several key building blocks:

  1. CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network): For data management and sharing
  2. Keycloak: For identity and access management
  3. JupyterHub: For interactive data analysis and development
  4. Kubernetes: For orchestrating and managing containerized applications
  5. PostgreSQL: As the primary database for CKAN and Keycloak
  6. Cloud Storage (S3): For storing large datasets
  7. AI/ML APIs: For integrating machine learning models

These components interact to provide a seamless experience for researchers, data scientists, and administrators.


You will need a cluster with:

  • Ingress controller configured
  • Cert-Manager configured
  • Domain name resolving to ingress-controller's service external IP
  • GCP bucket and credentials json file for that project
  • Kubeconfig file for interaction with the cluster (set environment variable KUBECONFIG to point to it)

You also need to clone platform-deployment repository and all the CKAN extension ones.

Create Certificate

  1. Navigate to the platform-deployment repository
    cd platform-deployment
  2. Update dnsNames and issuerRef params in deployment/manifest/certificate.yaml
  3. Create the certificate resource
    kubectl apply -f ./deployment/manifests/certificate.yaml

Create Ingress

  1. Update tls and rules params in deployment/manifest/ingress.yaml
  2. Create the ingress resource
    kubectl apply -f ./deployment/manifests/ingress.yaml

Install Keycloak

  1. Install helm chart
    helm install -f ./deployment/charts/keycloak/values.yaml keycloak ./deployment/charts/keycloak/ --namespace default
  2. Get admin credentials (username is user)
    kubectl get secret keycloak -o jsonpath='{.data.admin-password}'|base64 --decode
  3. Create alternative realm from json file deployment/charts/keycloak/realms/alternative-realm.json
  4. Update URL parameters in ckan-backend, ckan-frontend and jupyterhub clients (add jupyterhub URL)
  5. Generate new client credentials secret for ckan-backend and jupyterhub clients
  6. Configure realm email settings
  7. Enable Forgot password functionality

Restore Keycloak Backup

  1. Install the helm chart and wait for the pods to be ready and running

    helm install -f ./deployment/charts/keycloak/values.yaml keycloak ./deployment/charts/keycloak/ --namespace default

  2. Copy the .dump file to the Keycloak DB pod

    kubectl cp keycloak.dump keycloak-postgresql-0:/tmp/backup.dump

  3. Remove Keycloak pod

    kubectl scale statefulsets keycloak --replicas=0

  4. Get PostgreSQL password

    kubectl get secret keycloak-postgresql -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode

  5. Enter Keycloak DB pod

    kubectl exec -it keycloak-postgresql-0 /bin/bash

  6. Set environment variables (replace pass with the PostgreSQL password)

    export PGDATABASE=bitnami_keycloak
    export PGUSER=bn_keycloak
    export PGPASSWORD=pass

  7. Recreate the DB from the backup file

    dropdb -f $PGDATABASE
    createdb $PGDATABASE
    pg_restore -d $PGDATABASE /tmp/backup.dump

  8. Restoring from the backup recreates the main user of Keycloak so the password in the secret will no longer be correct, to fix that:

  9. Start PostgreSQL console with psql
  10. Get the user ID of user with username user
    select id from user_entity where "username"='user';
  11. Run these queries (replace usr_id)
    delete from credential where "user_id"='usr_id';
    delete from user_role_mapping where "user_id"='usr_id';
    delete from user_entity where "id"='usr_id';
  12. Exit DB pod, delete it with the below command and wait for it to be recreated, ready and running again

    kubectl delete pod keycloak-postgresql-0

  13. Recreate Keycloak pod

    kubectl scale statefulsets keycloak --replicas=1

  14. Enter Keycloak with username user and password from this command kubectl get secret keycloak -o jsonpath='{.data.admin-password}' | base64 --decode and check if everything got recovered


  1. Update configs in ckan-alternative-theme/keycloak_auth-config and ckan-alternative-theme/cloudstorage-config
  2. Copy the CKAN extensions into ckan-alternative-theme
  3. Build the image
    docker build -f ./ckan-alternative-theme/AlternativeCKAN ./ckan-alternative-theme -t
  4. Upload the image to the registry
    docker push

Install CKAN

  1. Add chart repo
    helm repo add keitaro-charts
  2. Update deployment/manifests/ckan_values.yaml
  3. Install helm chart
    helm install -f ./deployment/manifests/ckan_values.yaml ckan keitaro-charts/ckan
  4. Wait for the ckan pod to become ready

Create Users

Add users in Keycloak, sysadmin users should be in the group admins

Change Settings

From sysadmin settings, change the logo with ../ckanext-alternative_theme/ckanext/alternative_theme/public/images/fulllogo_transparent.png and update the rest of the options as you wish

Restore CKAN PostgreSQL Backup

  1. Copy the .dump file to the DB pod

    kubectl cp postgres.dump postgres-0:/tmp/backup.dump

  2. Get PostgreSQL password

    kubectl get secret postgrescredentials -o jsonpath='{.data.postgresql-password}' | base64 --decode

  3. Enter DB pod

    kubectl exec -it postgres-0 /bin/bash

  4. Set environment variables (replace pass with the PostgreSQL password)

    export PGDATABASE=ckan_default
    export PGUSER=postgres
    export PGPASSWORD=pass

  5. Restore the DB from the backup file

    pg_restore -d $PGDATABASE /tmp/backup.dump --clean --if-exists

  6. Exit the DB pod with exit and enter the CKAN pod (replace ckan-pod with the actual pod name)

    kubectl exec -it ckan-pod /bin/bash

  7. Rebuild the search index for datasets to be listed correctly

    ckan -c production.ini search-index rebuild

Install Jupyterhub

Create Certificate

  1. Update dnsNames and issuerRef params in jupyterhub/manifests/certificate.yaml
  2. Create the certificate resource
    kubectl apply -f ./jupyterhub/manifests/certificate.yaml

Create Ingress

  1. Update tls and rules params in jupyterhub/manifests/ingress.yaml
  2. Create the ingress resource
    kubectl apply -f ./jupyterhub/manifests/ingress.yaml

Create Shared Jupyter Volume

  1. Create NFS required pvc resource
    kubectl apply -f ./jupyterhub/manifests/nfs/pvc.yaml
  2. Create NFS resources
    kubectl apply -f ./jupyterhub/manifests/nfs/deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ./jupyterhub/manifests/nfs/service.yaml
  3. Create Persistent volume required for shared PVC
    kubectl apply -f ./jupyterhub/manifests/nfs/pv.yaml
  4. Create shared PVC
    kubectl apply -f ./jupyterhub/manifests/pvc.yaml

Build Custom Image

  1. Build a new docker image
    DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f ./jupyterhub/singleuser/Dockerfile ./jupyterhub/singleuser/ -t
  2. Push the new image
    docker push

Install Helm Chart

  1. Update the parameters in jupyterhub/config.yaml
  2. Install helm chart
    helm install -f ./jupyterhub/config.yaml alternative-jupyterhub ./jupyterhub/chart/ --version=2.0.0

Backup Jobs

  1. Update the configurations in deployment/manifests/backup_job.yaml and deployment/manifests/backup_credentials.yaml
  2. Apply the files
    kubectl apply -f ./deployment/manifests/backup_credentials.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ./deployment/manifests/backup_job.yaml